Our Worship Team is responsible for the management and scheduling of volunteers in worship (readers, ushers, greeters, communion servers), preparing the sanctuary for worship, assisting the pastor in preparing the order of worship, preparing the bulletin, assisting visiting preachers and church decor.

  • Worship Services – If you would like more information about or volunteer with any of our worship ministries, such as usher, greeter, lector (reader), acolyte (communion assistant), sound/PowerPoint technician, please contact the church office at mccorassist@gmail.com.
  • The Church Choir and Music Ministry are also part of the Worship Team. They perform special cantatas at Easter and Christmas and special music for worship services throughout the year.
  • The choir meets every Wednesday at 6:30 pm for practice in the church sanctuary (except for an occasional hiatus). If you are interested in joining the choir feel free to come to choir practice.

If you would like more information about or would like to be a part of the Worship Team, please send an email to: mccorassist@gmail.com or contact the church office by calling 706-722-6454.